A New Year’s Flight In The Park

I just returned from a New Year's visit with friends in Utah. Thankfully, I remembered my Phantom 4 drone this time and we had a beautiful, but freezing cold day to take a walk and get some great footage of a snow covered park and a large flock of geese in flight. There's also a few cute kids =)

"Rivers, Paths and Bridges" an exploration of Bear Creek Park

After moving to Denver, CO from CT this year I was fortunate enough to have Bear Creek Park just down the street from my house in Lakewood. This is a little compilation of shots I did at the park over several weeks using my DJI Phantom 4 drone and some locked off shots with Sony a7SII.

Coming from the east coast I did not grow up with accessible parks and outdoors experiences so this is me paying respect to my new home and all the inspiration it gives me.
Sony a7SII with Sony 16-35f4 and Zeiss Loxia 50/2
DJI Phantom 4
Color graded with FilmConvert in FCP X